Online Art Class to Reconnect to your Wild


We all have an untamed, wild side within us. In this course, we will explore how to unleash our inner wild and allow our truest self to shine in ourselves and in our artwork. We will learn how to gather inspiration from nature and textiles to make your own marks. We will combine paper, patterns, charcoal, pastels, paints, inks, natural pigments and textiles to create unique pieces of art that reflect your inner wild. I will guide you through trusting and following your intuition in your art to create meaningful layers with deeper meaning. Grasping onto moments in our lives that made us feel most alive. 

Find moments in your life that make you feel wild and alive

  • Mark making inspired by nature and textiles

  • Create a vision board to match your theme 

  • Create a wild soul color palette

  • Photo transfers

  • Abstract watercolor florals

  • Mixed media portrait layers 

  • Journal spread to reflect your untamed soul

  • Creating meaningful layers

  • Drawing and painting a portrait 

  • Trusting your intuition in abstract painting 

This self paced workshop is now available $76

"The way to maintain one's connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt. One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls.”

- Clarissa Patela Eter

Class Format

  • Kristy will lead you through 6 projects designed to help you find deeper meaning in your work and discover what calls from your soul.

  • ☆ 6 projects.

    ☆ Lessons delivered via video (approx. 6 hours of video)

    ☆ Community Facebook group to share and be further inspired.

    ☆ From finding inspiration and colour palettes to mark making, abstracts and portraits.

    ☆ Lifetime access*

    ☆ Supplies List HERE

  • You can access our art supply list HERE. Our art supply list is optional. Whether you are just beginning or a seasoned artist, I would highly recommend using what you have on hand. I have listed below the products and brands that I use throughout the course for reference. By no means do you need to go out and buy each and every one of these supplies.

  • This self paced workshop is now available $76


“Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”

- Clarissa Patela Eter


Foraged Landscapes


Day in Provence