Online Natural Pigment Making Course


Through this course, you will forage natural elements for your artwork and learn the process of natural pigment making. You will gather field notes and apply your found pigments through art exercises and landscape studies. Kristy’s hope is that you will connect to nature and allow yourself to experiment with new mediums that will enrich your existing art practice.

Techniques Taught in this Class

  • Explore abstract landscape techniques

  • Make your own natural pigments

  • Source your own pigments for painting

  • Make your own soft pastels

  • Make your own acrylics, oils and watercolors

  • Learn where and how to forage minerals for pigment making

  • Build depth to your landscapes

  • Connect to your landscapes by learning the history of the area

  • Combine natural pigments with supplies in your studio

  • Use your composition to your advantage

  • Learn how to use bold brushstrokes to create expression

  • Experiment with a variety of color palettes

  • Learn how to play with light and shadows to create expressionistic shapes

  • Use color and light to mimic natural shapes and elements

Class Cost $62

There are endless possibilities when connecting to the natural world and bringing nature into your studio. Through this course we

will forage natural pigments to create your own paints and pastels to use in your artwork. We will journey through different areas of

the world, connecting to the history of pigments through expressionistic landscapes.

Class Format

  • Access: Instant

    Teacher Interaction: Self-study

    Content: 4.25 Hours of Content hours

    Lessons: 23

    USD $62.00

    Techniques: Techniques: Abstract, Acrylic, Ink, Journaling, Nature, Oil, Pastels, Watercolor


    If you are just dipping your toe into natural pigment making, you can either start with Natural Earth Paint pigments or Scribes Ink pigments which are already ground or you can follow along with the mediums you already have on hand such as watercolors, oils or acrylics. I want you to create with what works for you and your art process. The purpose of the supply list is to give you resources to the items I will be using in course but it is not intended for you to have to purchase all the supplies on the list.LIST

  • USD $62.00


Ivy Newport Collaborations


Wild Soul