I believe one of the best ways to find your creative style is to follow your curiosity and continue to seek knowledge and growth in your life.

Kristy Kensinger

A little about Kristy

Hello! My name is Kristy Kensinger and my passion is to share my curiosities with people of all ages. I am constantly shifting mediums and subject matters as I find it hard to stick to just one genre. I gathered a passion for traveling when I was a kid bopping around the nation for tennis tournaments. I joke that I think the only reason I continued playing tennis through college was for the travel and amazing connections to people from all walk’s of life. My travel and experiences often seep into my artwork and teachings.

I graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a double major in Fine Arts and Art History with an emphasis on Digital Arts. Upon graduating, I pursued a career in graphic design which I continued for around 15 years before finding my way back to my fine art. I wanted to exchange my time in front of a computer for time creating with my hands.

Currently, I live in Colorado with my husband and two kids. They remind me daily of all the little joys that surround us. Outside the studio, I enjoy just about anything outdoors. I would love to connect and hear your story.

Something you may not know about me…

When I transitioned from graphic design back to my fine art, I had a hard time claiming I was an artist. I would always say I am an artist AND…(fill in the blank). I had to do some self-reflection on this statement. Was being an artist not enough? Did I have to be something more? Where did these concepts come from? There is a much more winded answer to this question but I finally got to the place where it was more than enough.

Being an artist for me is so much more than creating artwork or teaching art classes. It is making a commitment to myself that I will continue to stay curious, that I will find the little joys and beauty in the world even when it is difficult, it is sharing what I have learned, it is supporting myself and others, it is never being afraid of being a beginner, and forever being a student of this world.

What is being a creative to you? I would love to hear!

About my Studio

I have always had a studio based out of my home. It started as a small desk or simply working at the dining room table in tandem with my kids and has since evolved.

My studio now is a small little nook off of our open concept living area in our 1948 storybook home. My favorite part is that it is draped in light. There is also this vintage window that allows rainbows into the room every morning. I love looking out onto our ponderosa pines in the backyard. The close proximity to nature makes me feel so at home. I strongly believe we can create anywhere. Our studios can be on the go, small spaces or large spaces. The most important thing is to carve out time for your creative endeavors.


Creative Routine

What is my creative routine? I wish this was an easy answer. This is constantly evolving for me. I find that when my routine gets too stagnant it takes away from the creative process and when I have no routine I don’t make time for my art. Maybe my challenge is constantly seeking that balance in my process. But there are a few things I know I need in my routine that always help to inspire my work.

Regular movement or exercise, getting out in nature, travel near and far, coffee coffee coffee, quiet time in the sauna, yoga, getting out of my comfort zone, taking classes or workshops, reading, journalling, meeting with friends, taking photographs, and playing with my kids. What motivates or inspires you?

“Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction.”

— Brianna Wiest

let’s create together.

A collection of curiosities.