Kids Art Lessons

Kids are incredible teachers, I learn just as much from them while I teach. To see the way they openly look at the world with excitement and curiosity is so inspiring. We are all born limitless in so many ways. As we age, I find we can lose parts of our curiosity. In our art practice, we almost have to look at the world like a child. We begin to open up again, finding the joy and beauty in the mundane. We almost have to go through a rewiring of sorts to let go of fears or expectations that have been limiting us in our lives or our creativity.

It was a goal of mine to add in some kids art lessons and prompts to inspire parents and guardians to work with the kids in their life. I love the connection it creates between generations. Taking the time to slow down through art and expand our knowledge and extend past our comfort zones is so beautiful. When I am working with my kids, I feel a stillness where I feel fully engaged in the present.

And I absolutely love see what kids create. They are so free of limitations, creative, and they take so many more risks. We can all learn something from these moments working on small projects together. Browse our free lessons below and join our newsletter for up-to-date lessons to work on at home with the littles in your life.