Class Access

Class Access Details

  • Your class experience is so important to me. Below you can access your login page for any of our network classes. If you signed up for one of our guest teaching classes, you can access these directly through the host. I have created a technical support guide to help guide you through our classroom as well. If you encounter any other issues please contact me directly at

    HERE you can access any of your classes on our network.

  • Once logged in, if you have any issues with your video or would like to speed up the videos please download our Technical Support Guide here.

  • How to Reset Your Account Password

    Go to our class access link

    Select Sign In on the top right

    On the login page, select Forgot Password

    Enter the email address you used to create your site

    Click Submit

    Check your email inbox for a password reset email for further instructions

  • If you are trying to log into your account but are seeing an “Invalid email or password” notification, click on Forgot Password? on your login page to have a password reset email sent to your email address. You will only receive a password reset email if the user account is found with the email address provided. Try sending a password reset email using all possible emails you may have used to sign up with Thinkific


“What I have learned is that growth takes curiosity, curiosity takes courage, and courage takes a willingness to be vulnerable.”

— Zachariah Thompson